Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bio2RDF scope

This is Bio2RDF actual scope, orange dot correspond to rdfised database for which data is available in RDF.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The new global Bio2RDF map build from its SPARQL point

This is how Bio2RDF map of post genomic knowledge look like now... data has been taken form the SPARQL endpoints.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Visit Bio2RDF with IBM's lsidBrowser

I have created a lsid proxy for Bio2RDF so that all available RDF document can be accessed with the corresponding lsid. For example http://bio2rdf.org/go:0000007 is accessible through the following lsid urn:lsid:bio2rdf.org:go:0000007.

To install this great Firefox plugin follow the instructions at http://lsid.biopathways.org/lsid_browser/. Then configure the network so that your lsid authority server is http://bio2rdf.org/authority.

Here is what the network configuration should look like :

This is it, you are all set. Try this links it should open in the XUL interactive interface of the lsidBrowser :


Bio2RDF have been launch for testing.

During the conference call of 17 july I informed the members of the HCLSIG BioRDF Subgroup of the availability of Bio2RDF for testing.

Francois Belleau (FB) - Masters in Bioinformatics at Quebec – Focused on applying Semantic Web to build useful knowledge bases. Knowledgebase includes Uniprot, and NCBI data sources. The URL is to be publicly announced shortly, but we can have an early preview (
http://bio2rdf.org/). Will have a PhD student for RDF design.
